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  • ※このお問い合わせフォームにご入力いただきました個人情報についてはお問い合わせ内容のご返信以外には使用致しません。
  • ※お問い合わせいただきました内容によっては、ご返答にお時間を頂戴する場合や、ご返答できない場合がございます。

Account opening application completed
in 90 seconds at the shortest

Transactions start from the next day at the earliest. Account opening fee and account maintenance fee are free.

Since VirtueForex has introduced an identity verification system at the time of withdrawal based on anti-money laundering regulations, it is possible to apply for account opening without the need for identity verification documents when applying for account opening. This allows you to start Forex trading in the shortest and fastest way without any troublesome procedures.